Technical Notes
For more information, refer to Ridley Engineering's Application Notes on analyzer measurements for power systems.
IEC 1000-3-2 Line Current Harmonic Measurements
IEC 1000-3-2 precompliance testing is possible when the analyzer is setup using the absolute value display mode. Using a frequency point list (fpl) file for the first forty harmonics, this mode graphs a plot of the power line current as measured using an external current transducer connected to channel A.
It is highly recommended that the IEC 1000-3-2 standard be obtained and understood by the user before this test is undertaken. A copy of this standard is available through ANSI. The line current frequency is user selectable as 50 Hz or 60 Hz. The current is measured using an external current transducer, connected to channel A, whose sensitivity in Volts per Amp is entered as an input parameter. The current transducer frequency response bandwidth is required to be flat from 50 Hz to 2.5 KHz.
Note that the current transducer must have an output that is safety isolated and meets the SELV (Safety Exposed Low Voltage) requirements when connected to measure line current.
IEC 1000-3-2 Measurement Setup: